
  • Certain Age: an essay about the inequality between men and women’s pockets, entitles “Pocket Sighs

  • Tupelo Quarterly: an interview with me and a folio of three short stories
    1) Sadberg, a story about a fatberg made of sadness;

    2) Hashtag, a story about a fleeing bride going viral;

    3) The Londoner, a story about a man who teleports to a random place in London every time he wakes up

  • Liars’ League London: live performance of my first short story, To All the Avatars I’ve Loved Before

  • Guts Publishing: To All the Avatars I’ve Loved Before

  • The now sadly defunct DaCunha: Spilt Honey, a nonfiction essay about the aftermath of finding my father-in-law dead after a week.

  • Boundless Literary Magazine: an abridged excerpt from my book, a chapter on Día de los Muertos in Mexico, along with a Q&A about my process.

  • Death & the Maiden: Another excerpt from my book, about death euphemisms and the ridiculous places death anxiety can take you.

  • The Kenyon Review: an interview about my book, This Party’s Dead. "My story is weaved through a much bigger story about how our species deals with a unique problem: we’re going to die, and unlike other animals, we know it."

  • Cruse Bereavement Care Journal: an excerpt from my book.