Bee tourism in Slovenia - it's a thing!

Bee tourism in Slovenia - it's a thing!

"I’m lying facedown in a shed letting a woman pour honey on me. I must look like a giant piece of toast. " Honey massage, api-therapy treatments, apiary tours and honey tastings are all on the itinerary as bees become a focal point in tourism across Slovenia. So bee-geeks (beeks?) and the api-curious can rejoice: bee tourism is a thing.

Dead or alive: culture is kicking in Pátzcuaro, Mexico

Dead or alive: culture is kicking in Pátzcuaro, Mexico

A firework explodes directly above my head and I don’t even flinch. Even a brief time in Mexico will do that to you – the omnipresence of fireworks is like having a friend who habitually cracks their knuckles.

I built an igloo and slept in it at the Adelboden Igloo Festival, Switzerland

I built an igloo and slept in it at the Adelboden Igloo Festival, Switzerland

I feel like I’m cowering in a snowman’s armpit. I’m not sleeping; I’m playing dead.