kelly carlin

The life and comedy of George Carlin: an interview with his daughter, Kelly Carlin

Jon Stewart once said: "There are two things that comedians of all stripes have in common. One: the belief that someone not as funny as they are is doing better than they are; and two: a sincere love and respect for George Carlin."

Four years ago, I realised that George Carlin's would-be 75th birthday was coming up. I was barely starting out in journalism, but thought it would be magnificent to mark the occasion by interviewing his daughter, Kelly Carlin for an audio feature. I contacted her and she said yes immediately. It was such a sincere joy to speak to her. Not just because we were talking about my favourite topic, but because talking to her was my first exciting interview, a real high point before a year of going into hiding as an anonymous jobseeker.

Now, four years later, and with George's would-be 79th approaching, I have better editing equipment and no one telling me to keep it under five minutes – so I decided to revisit this chat.

If you're a Carlin fan, you'll love it. If you're just discovering him, welcome.

When I was just starting out as a journalist, I had the great honour of chatting with Kelly Carlin in honour of George Carlin's would-be 75th birthday, and asked her all the things I'd always wondered about everyone's comedy hero: what was George's biggest gift to the world? Did he have any enemies? Is there anyone left who can fill the void he left in comedy? And was Kelly allowed to curse at home? Now, four years later, I decided to make a fuller version of the interview complete with clips from George's HBO specials, with a few appearances from some of the people who are doing brilliant things for comedy now he's gone. With special thanks to Kelly Carlin Photo of Kelly by Dan Dion